Monday, November 14, 2016

Cogitata de orbis - Get in the game!!

Future technologies are now! Mobile phones are the Star Trek Communicator and Tricorder rolled into one.  They have external sensors that monitor vital signs, blood sugar, location…. Google Glasses provide your own personal HUD.

And buildings, well they aren’t floating yet, but Green technologies abound. An American architecture firm (SOM) has designed a skyscraper that is “a model of sustainability and efficiency, as well as collaborative workplace design.”
But not in America.
It's design includes a fancy (yet revolutionary, ingenious, simple, common sensical) wind funnel! ETA 2020. This feature generates electricity from prevailing wind currents that flow up through the buildings core.
 Image from:
It looks Sharp!
If only every residential home in America was built with a semi-sealed ‘spacer’ wall
  • Air space is the best insulator
Or even just including passive solar
  • For heating of water
  • Or circulating air & regulating air temperatures (Convection – A wonderful thing).
  • Or with a consumer HAWT (Horizontal axis wind turbine)
Or any combination of these... It would be world changing!

I'm just flat out dissapointed that the new World Trade center in NY did not incorporate and pioneer innovative eco-tech like this.
Would you have supported a green-tech design like this for the TWC? What do you think? 
- Please share your perspective by commenting on this post.

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