Friday, November 18, 2016

My Travel Essentials - Pacsafe Venturesafe 150 Cross-Body Pack

Practical review of the features and usage of the Pacsafe Venturesafe 150 Cross Body Pack after extensive field use in 3rd world urban, and outback environments. The secure features and ease of access of this Pacsafe bag ranks as a #CantLiveWithoutIt for everything from riding the bus or Jeepney, to shopping in Metro Manila's notorious "snatcher" laden Divisoria street markets, to hiking the ruins on Corregidor island. 

Lightweight, durable cross body pack with anti-theft technologies ideal for long hikes, adventures abroad, your daily commute, and as a (more than) handy carry-on.

The bag's fabric is embedded with eXomesh Slashguard, a lightweight flexible, stainless steel wire mesh that protects your gear from a quick slash-and-run theft.

Flexible, lightweight stainless steel wire runs through the adjustable Carrysafe Slashguard cross-body strap to prevent slashers from slicing through and running off with your gear. Have you ever seen a video of a skilled bag snatcher use a razor sharp blade to slice a strap and run? This is the bag that brings the whole case of classic "foiled again"  à la Snidely Whiplash.

I love it so much I made a video about it - Check it out

The bag includes dual release security buckles that lock the hook in place for added security. It is might be impossible to detach the buckle with one hand, and it takes a solid moment to do it with two. There is no "quick" grab. This also allows you to loop and lock the bag to a table, chair, railing, in the event you wanted to sit and take it off.

Link to buy this Product

The zipper pullers have a heavy duty thin cable loop that can be solidly clipped to discreet (recessed) security hooks. This also takes two hands and a solid moment to unlatch before zipping.

The bag is not water resistant. It is low profile enough to use across the body, or as a waist pack. It fits under a raincoat. It is a great "extra" carry on. When boarding i loop it under my carry on backpack, then when i stow the carry on, I slip this on. It does not interfere with the seat belt or tray table. (and) it acts like a sling you can use to effortlessly cross your arms in while you nap.


Please comment and share if you use this, or other products similar to it - Cuz I luv Bags (and shoes)! Really though  - Who doesn't?

Monday, November 14, 2016

Cogitata de orbis - Get in the game!!

Future technologies are now! Mobile phones are the Star Trek Communicator and Tricorder rolled into one.  They have external sensors that monitor vital signs, blood sugar, location…. Google Glasses provide your own personal HUD.

And buildings, well they aren’t floating yet, but Green technologies abound. An American architecture firm (SOM) has designed a skyscraper that is “a model of sustainability and efficiency, as well as collaborative workplace design.”
But not in America.
It's design includes a fancy (yet revolutionary, ingenious, simple, common sensical) wind funnel! ETA 2020. This feature generates electricity from prevailing wind currents that flow up through the buildings core.
 Image from:
It looks Sharp!
If only every residential home in America was built with a semi-sealed ‘spacer’ wall
  • Air space is the best insulator
Or even just including passive solar
  • For heating of water
  • Or circulating air & regulating air temperatures (Convection – A wonderful thing).
  • Or with a consumer HAWT (Horizontal axis wind turbine)
Or any combination of these... It would be world changing!

I'm just flat out dissapointed that the new World Trade center in NY did not incorporate and pioneer innovative eco-tech like this.
Would you have supported a green-tech design like this for the TWC? What do you think? 
- Please share your perspective by commenting on this post.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Cogitata de orbis - Voting – More powerful than you think…. If

… you consider that every dollar you spend is a ballot– And that is the vote that drives change in today’s world.
How about haanging chads, do you remember that nonsense? Can you recall the value of a vote in that election?
November 8, 2016
Did you vote, or did you c*ckblock?
I know it is slightly inappropriate, just a stab at levity with a modern term for what voting for the lesser of two evils essentially is. Especially in a battleground state

Voting is empowering, even when who you have to vote for is disempowering.

Or did you vote your conscience and go Green, or write in good ol’ Bernie as a way of making a statement?
So why do only 58% of (eligible) Americans vote? Is it because the vote is underpowered, because there is no real value? Or because the candidates don’t actually discuss what voters care about?
I do vote; I am registered with the Green Party. And I must say, it takes a significant amount of my time to get out and vote – Time I pay for with My PTO hours. 
Sometimes I think why bother? I’m not even a drop in the bucket, and even if I was – Someone might tell me my drop was contaminated, and is being disregarded for it’s hanging chad.
I have a friend who inspired me to vote many years ago, his passion wasn’t for politics, it was for something inherently American. “The right to vote”
Something that once denied to women – It seems unthinkable 19th amendment
My friend essentially said, “You give up your right to complain when you choose not to exercise your right to vote” (so “Belt up” was what was unsaid)
I pondered that, and something definitely resonated within me, and I voted that year (Perot) - I know seems crazy now. But I still think he would have transformed our country. He sunk his own ship when he told America – You might have to pay $5/per gallon of gas for 4 years – But on the back end it would be worth it. I’m no economist but his ‘farm cuts’ sure didn’t go over well in the breadbasket of America. This was before the insanity that is now a GMO battleground.
(I digress)
Getting back to the power of your voting dollar. In the last decade, especially the last 5 years, manufacturing, Marketing and products grow where the surge of dollars go – It is trend/analysis driven.
Cars – The SUV craze gave way to the sub-compact race – Funny it coincided with a spike in gas prices – We were paying just shy of $5/gallon…. Hmmm, Mr. Perot could have been onto something back in the nineties.
That same year – Cash for clunkers! Big fan! I was one of the few that cashed in! I loved my (paid off) 1995 Nissan Pathfinder SE. Except at the pump! It was well maintained, but by 2009 it actually clunked.
(Noting that the clunker programs “shred” vs. “recycle” back-end planning turned out to offset the intended environmental impact)
BUT – It was a great idea, and GREAT for me! I still have my 2009 Honda fit. The money I saved on maintenance, gas (and tires) more than offset having a car payment.I will never pay another penny more than necessary for petrol as long as I live. I am not working to spend my earned dollar to make a sheik or oil baron obscenely wealthy.
vote dollarThe flip-side is I drive a hamster car; yes the horn sounds like the ‘meep-meep’ from a cartoon roadrunner. It’s a 5-speed and almost fun to drive. And with all those voting dollars going to buy compact cars, there are so many more options. And consequently changes to SUV design as a result, enter the crossover.

 Photo: Kia - Cuz' datz how i roll!
So vote as a citizen for your representatives – AND vote where you have real power… On what, or where you spend your greenbacks.
So did you vote – Or throw a c*ckblock in the November 2016 U.S. elections?
Did you go for a stronger sort of “up yours” objection statement?
Or… Did you show up and choose “Opt-out”Yes – Really, it’s an option on the ballot. Maybe it’s some old-school thing, you know the politically correct way of making an objection statement based on the choice of candidates?
·   How about voting Green party  - Then your choice down the rest of the ballot– Maybe too neutral?

Better yet - how about voting “R” for POTUS, then “D” straight down the line. Now that sends a nice "FU" message to both major parties. Especially in this 2016 election.
I should note, It is true too it seems; as I hear citizens cast votes for one of these two major party representatives because there is somehow a belief they have true integrity, operate within the law, care about the environment and are actually “for the people”.
But does it matter? Does anyone listen or care?
·      I think not, I think money talks, and that is what is ultimately listened to, and what controls the outcome.

Leave a comment - What do you think?

Friday, November 4, 2016

Naming this Blog

I thought: "No brainer, done deal". After all, the blog supports my site and YouTube channel. I'll name it "The official blog of in the Philippines"... Or something along those lines. That obviously didn't happen.

The name i settled on is an excerpt from the description of my YouTube channel on the "About" tab. It was intended to expand on, and include additional details related to the gadgets and gear I buy. It would be nice to share the research, tips & tricks, my personal user experience and insights - As well as any links that would benefit (me) or anyone subscribing to the channel.

But then i second guessed it, i have so much more i could, and should, and want to share. I thought the name of the Blog was limiting, somewhat material oriented - Maybe even trite?

I find that as i share more within my expanded interest in somehow, someway "making a difference".
A blog would be a great platform documenting what worked for me. From my experiences finding mentor programs and inspirational support communities online, to expressing my appreciation for those that have made contributions to me, and to the world. And my growing desire, and need to promote their causes, ideas, products or services.

I realized that in promoting what enlightened me, maybe in some way, even a small way I would become a part of what i found to be beneficial, inspiring, positive (Life changing!) and simply downright awesome and cool.

So why did i keep the name? "Smash it, trash it - Or can't live without it?"

The name implies (as originally intended) "an object", something one might desire - The connotation therein is the lure of material things.

But it is not limited in it's scope of application to mere physical possessions. It can be applied to a way of thinking, a behavior or habit, a lifestyle, culture, or locale.

Or is it?

I invite you to come along and find out. Please join me on this venture, follow, or better yet contribute and become a small part of something that hopefully made a difference for you as you read it here. And perhaps what you share here, or where you share what you find here will in turn inspire others, increasing the momentum and integration of what we have collectively declared and appreciated that expands the continuum of  "enlightening, awesome and cool" in our universe.

My name is Eric, click to check out this 60 second video and get to know a little bit about me and what i do with

Tara na!!