Friday, January 20, 2017

Travel Tech - Apps... Or Star wars caption contest- What's going on here?

There are a multitude of Apps for iPhone and Android that are travel related, pretty standard items (Like a compass), noting a regular compass is always good to have for those moments you don’t want to whip out your mobile device, use location services, have no connectivity (or) power.

Photos are fun as well as meaningful. They can be that awesome reminder of the perfect moment; with the potential to captivate an entire world on Social media. Photography is a big part of traveling, even if it is just for Facebook, twitter or IG. More so if you are apt to enter photo contests like those offered by Lume Cube and GoPro to name a few.

An App I use is named Aviary, it’s free which can’t be beat, and has a lot of editing capability without upgrading. The filters for editing provide a lot of power to enhance a photo using 3 or 4 subtle tweaks that end up making a big difference without using a preset, or having it look processed.

I was explaining to a friend the meaning of the newish word “Meme” and demonstrated what one was using the app.

The example wasn’t travel related, and we had a few laughs with it.

Which is where this blog post will take a turn.

Ready for it…?  Best caption contest! Just for fun, I would love to hear some ideas for captions on this Photo - Type it in the Blog comments below.

Enter the Iconic Peter Cushing, the gentleman’s Vincent Price. An actor from a bygone era that exemplified a classic element of chilling. He’s back, he’s bad-ass, and he’s rocking as the Boss holding the leash on the big dawg in Star Wars - Rogue one.

Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin

Old school Hollywood Legend - Meet modern Social media.
An ode to greatness, as well as Star Wars, Mr. Cushing, and the essence of hardcore bad-ass.

You Bettah' Recognize!

Meme-CGI-funny-Star wars-Peter-Cushing
The Real Govenator
Best get to Steppin'
Meme-CGI-funny-Star wars-Peter-Cushing-Rogue one
Crack yo f#*kin' chest plate
Meme-CGI-funny-Star wars-Peter-Cushing
Oh no... I know you didn't
Meme-CGI-funny-Star wars-Peter-Cushing
I don't always destroy the whole planet, but when i do...

Which one of the memes posted here do you like the best? Let me know in the comments below

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